After leaving the small colony, we followed a course guided purely by instinct. Suddenly, we received a signal, a steady beeping indicating a planet. According to our instruments, it was inhabited. After making radio contact, we were invited to land at the capital’s astroport. A welcoming committee greeted us, eager to take us to their ambassador.
After pleasantries had been exchanged and we had given a brief account of our situation, we addressed the question that was burning in us. Could they help us find the path home? Despite all their knowledge, they had no response. A few murmurs rose from the assembly. The ambassador silenced them and spoke. According to him, we might be able to find some information on the dark side of their third moon. For this moon had a great library filled with cursed knowledge hidden and mysterious to all. Unfortunately, the location was also the lair of the most feared mad scientist on this side of the galaxy: the Professor Logan. Exiled by his own free will to continue his dangerous and eccentric experiments out of sight, he lived in solitude surrounded only by his books containing knowledge from the six corners of the galaxy.
Despite numerous warnings, we decided that we must meet this evil professor and hopefully get some of the answers necessary to continue on our quest.
To be continued on Saturday, October 15
Human by Xewin