We landed, by chance, at the perfect place to relax and recharge after this latest adventure. At the bottom of a crater sat a dark, old bar. Entering, we found ourselves surrounded by a fauna of disparate individuals, each as unique as the rest. Travelers in search of adventure and prospectors coming to spend what little they had mingled with women of easy virtue, ready and willing to trade their bodies for a few dimes. A pungent mix of tobacco and body odors hung over the room. A group of aliens lead by a large red Fauve played a strange yet catchy tune on instruments unlike any I’d ever seen.
Card and dice players rubbed shoulders with drinkers of beer and exotic liquors. At one point, a fight broke out (probably a deal gone wrong). But the hound dog that worked as the bouncer quickly settled things down with his fists, which seemed to be carved from stone. We sat back and enjoyed the entertainment as we sipped our cocktails and rested our bodies and minds.
To be continued on Saturday, October 29
Plan B From Outer Space feat. Fauve by Xewin